Moving Forward 2021
March 10, 2021
We are looking forward to seeing you in Lake Placid this summer, face-to-face if possible, or at our virtual Annual Meeting in July. Regardless of how we connect, we will all welcome the opportunity to return to our camps, cabins and docks as soon as possible.

I am writing to encourage you to renew your Annual Membership in the SOA. Your Membership Dues – the only source of annual income for the SOA – supports the many projects that protect the water and shoreline. As Shore Owners, we are proud of the role we have played over many years in securing the well-being of this magnificent resource. The SOA has assumed the role of dedicated caretaker to ensure the safe and enjoyable use of the Lake while protecting its water quality. This is a vital undertaking, but one that requires increasing commitment and resources.
During the past few summers, we have experienced a significant increase in boat traffic, tourism, and development along the shore. Our efforts to protect the Lake — and the costs associated with these efforts — have also increased. While our Membership Dues have remained the same for a decade, we felt it necessary to increase the amount to $225 per household so we can continue to effectively meet the challenges we face.
The most significant benefit of membership in the SOA is knowing that you are making a positive impact on the health of the Lake. Your annual dues support new and existing projects necessary to protect the Lake. This year, we commissioned a Lake Management Plan which will be delivered this summer. The Plan will allow us to anticipate future threats to the Lake and to manage them in a responsible, cost effective way. Following recent fires along the shoreline, we have established a closer working relationship with the Lake Placid Volunteer Fire Department to better protect our properties with improved mapping and contact information. We published an updated SOA informational booklet for members, guests, and friends of the Lake, and updated the SOA website to provide more relevant and timely information. We are actively pursuing new partnerships to reduce the costs of managing threats to the Lake. Meanwhile, the most important work of the SOA continues:
- Maintain the water level of Lake Placid by managing the Dam
- Monitor tap water and lake water quality
- Expedite the all-important septic pump-out at reduced costs to members
- Monitor navigational lights and markers on the Lake
- Work with the Town of North Elba, Village of Lake Placid, New York Department of Environmental Conservation and other organizations to promote and preserve the health and beauty of Lake Placid
- Issue camp identification boathouse number plates for emergency use
- Educate the public by producing and disseminating boater safety information
- Advocate for regulations affecting the safe and enjoyable use of the Lake
- Conduct the Citizens Statewide Lake Assessment Program to collect and track markers of lake health
- Publish the SOA seasonal newsletters and maintain the SOA website (lpsoa.org) to keep Shore Owners apprised of issues of importance on the Lake
- Host the Annual Meeting
- Manage and raise funds for the Invasive Species Prevention Fund for Placid Lake, a 501(c)(3) that supports the lake steward program and the divers who harvest invasive species from the Lake every year. Thank you to all who have contributed.
Please join us by renewing your membership in the SOA. We need your support to continue the important work we do. The 2021 annual dues per household is $225. By paying your dues — online or by mail — you will signal your commitment to this important community and the work we are doing.
Lake Placid stands in good stead thanks to you, and to generations of Shore Owners since 1893, who have understood the privilege of their experience and their responsibility to preserve it for those that follow. Only together can we continue to protect our magnificent Lake. Thank you for your commitment to the SOA.
David Bumsted, President
The Shore Owners’ Association of Lake Placid
To pay by mail, send a check payable to:
The Shore Owners’ Association of Lake Placid
P.O Box 1235
Lake Placid, NY 12946