Boating Safety Law
New York State Law requires that all operators of motorized boats take a one-time eight-hour safety course and carry a New York boater card. The phase-in-by-age law requires a new age group pass the test each year. The law requires that all boat operators born after January 1, 1993, must pass the test in 2020. All operators of motorized boats, regardless of age, must have boating safety certification by January 1, 2025.
Boating on Lake Placid
Boating has long been an integral part of life on the Lake. Most of the land surrounding Placid Lake has no road access, and many properties can be reached only by water. Boats, therefore, are not only indispensable, they are the best way to experience the beauty of the Lake. Boater safety enhances the enjoyment and safety of all.
Please be aware of the following laws applicable to boating on Lake Placid:
Warning Buoys
- Danger zone: White buoy with orange stripes
- No wake zone (5 mph speed limit): White buoy with orange mark
- Channel: Stay between green and red buoys
Required Equipment
- Life preserver for each person on motorized and non-motorized boats and boards
- Navigation lights (LIGHTS ON AFTER DARK)
- Horn, whistle, paddle, anchor, anchor line
- Fire extinguisher for inboards
Speed Limits
- 5 mph: Paradox Bay; Within 100 feet of shore, dock, raft or any other boat
- 10 mph: When navigating in fog, mist or heavy rain; Within 100 feet of any canoe, rowboat, kayak, or swimmer; Sunset Strait from sunset to sunrise
- 20 mph: Between 100 and 300 feet from any shore; Sunset Strait during daylight hours
- 45 mph: Anywhwere else
Right of Way
- Boat on right
- Boat being overtaken by another boat
- Non-motorized boat
- Minimum of two people must be onboard in addition to the skier/tuber/boarder
- Every skier/tuber/boarder must wear a vest-type life preserver
- No waterskiing/tubing/wakeboarding: Between sunset and sunrise; In Sunset Strait
- Jet Skis and Wave Runners are prohibited
Boater Safety Certification
- New York State law requires that all operators of motorized boats take a one-time eight-hour safety course and carry a New York boater card. The phase-in-by-age law requires a new age group pass the test each year. All operators of motorized boats, regardless of age, must have boating safety certification by January 1, 2025.